Friday 11 September 2015

Still frames: Image, Performance and Narrative

With our performance still photo, we used musical props from the music department such as a triangle and tambourines! We used these instruments because performance videos often include such items. For example Broken Heart by Rixton. The location we deliberately chose was outside, to give a festival-like experience to the audience. We chose very casual clothing, as that's the stereotypical outfit one wears to a festival such Glastonbury or Reading. However to improve we may include better lighting and background to give the idea that there are spotlights and on a stage.

We edited our picture so it showed 4 identical pictures of the same image. We did this so it would add to a performance feel, such as being at a concert looking at the big screens.

With our image still shot, we chose to focus on a close-up of the face against a plain background of a brick wall, so the attention of the audience would be drawn towards the individual. By using a brick wall the individual seems rustic. Many performers use such still shots, as they are display the artist in their natural setting. Additionally the girl is portrayed as natural and innocent as she is not wearing any make up and is posing in a 'cute' way showing she is confident in what she looks like. This can therefore be an icon for teenage girls to aspire to.

We edited the picture with the lyrics from Taylor Swift's song love story. We believed that the still connected to the style of music Taylor sings, such as romantic narratives. Additionally both the girl in our still and Taylor are portrayed in a 'girl next door' style, with a natural classy look.

We used this still to portray a narrative genre, showing a girl crying on the floor of a bathroom in what looks like to be a public or school rest room. We used this as narrative because she is clearly upset at something and has gone into the bathrooms to hide. Girls and even boys of the same age could be a target audience because they also might be having trouble in their lives, whether it is at home or at school and can connect to the story of the music video.

We desaturated the colours of the image so that the low key lighting gives a dark gloomy feel, which reflects her emotions to the audiences, as she is shown to be crying on the floor of a rest room. Additionally the artist is also dressed in casual inexpensive clothes, portraying her as an average girl and not a music star in whom has money and doesn't have a 'normal' life, meaning the audience can connect to her more.

Links to real life music videos


This shows an example of a split screen used in a performance music video by Little Mix. This is used to show the whole group and their backing dancers.

This shows an example of a image still, showing Taylor Swift to be looking natural and classy in what she is wearing. Additionally they use a medium close up to show the jewellery and hair accessories she is wearing, giving her a princess look.

This shows an example of a narrative genre from Rihanna's music video 'stay'. This also strips back the rich music star image by showing the artist looking emotional through the video, thereby more audiences can connect to the lyrics and the video.

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