Tuesday 10 November 2015

Twitter account and audience feedback

home page
purpose of twitter

Having asked some target audience members (girls aged 17-22) what they'd be interested in introducing to a rock music video, I have found out that the majority would suggest desaturation. this may be due to the stereotypical dark palette rock is usually associated with. for example you don't tend to come across a rock music video with bright colours like pink or green... Therefore the use of black and white could potentially link our music video further with the rock genre!


After asking our target audience what connotes the genre rock, I found that it lies with the speedy music created by stereotypical rock instruments such as guitars and perhaps drums also. Therefore I believe that it is going to be imperative for my music video to include instruments as well.

eye catching

Furthermore our audience think that to produce a suitable music video we should make it eye catching in order to grab our audiences attention.


So to make our artist stand out and become appealing I think that by using a unique prop not found in most music videos we will be able to make the video non generic and intriguing.


Although I asked our target audience their ideas for the music video, I also asked what they expect from rock music videos! These two questions sound practically identical however what the audience wants and expects is very different (however in this case they have responded with the same answer)! The fact that the audience have mentioned desaturation twice infers that it would be a good aspect to use in our music video as it obviously connotes rock for our chosen target audience. Also, black and white will help make our chosen prop (rubix cube stand out well as we can use a Pleasantville effect to make it pop with colour. 

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