Monday 12 October 2015

Creative ideas for storyboarding

We want to use the Drama Studio as we feel the black curtain will be a good background as its simple (so the attention will still be drawn to the rubix cube) and will reflect lighting well.
We want to use the theme of puzzles, as it seems interesting and unique unlike themes such as love which are common for a music video!
To emphasis the theme of puzzles we have included a rubix cube as our prop. As this is a stereotypically hard puzzle to crack.
We have also opted for a simple black and white effect for the video, as we feel this will draw more attention to the rubix cube and its colours!
The main factors we wish to take from our mindmap is the idea of creating split screen in the shape of a rubix cube and the use of flashing lights to emphasis the difficulty in the puzzle. However we are unsure how we could technically do this, therefore we are going to have to research the use of split screening in this way and using black and white besides the rubix cube itself. Although we are unsure of these techniques we don't want to shy away as we feel they would be excellent for the video itself!


Having thought thoroughly about our discussion we have opted to change our prop and concept, as we feel they are more suitable for the song choice (Area 52 - What Do You Want). We have therefore chosen the concept Love, as our song is about a girl wanting to know how she can better herself to her boyfriend's taste in women. And our chosen prop is a rose, as it is a stereotypical symbol of love. For example it is the chosen flower for Valentine's day! One idea we have for the rose is that our actor playing the boyfriend could pass a fully bloomed rose to the artist (his girlfriend) at which point it could die. This would show her anger and upset she is trying to portray in the lyrics!
However we still feel that the location and filter we had originally opted for still fit in with our chosen song. For instance we still feel the Drama Studio would be suitable as its simplistic background with a plain black curtain will not draw too much attention away from our artist's performance (as we want that to be the main focus) and we could add some fascinating graphics without too much attention being drawn away.

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